We highly recommend the following software for your support and invoices.
** Invoice & Billing Functions **
Flexible Billing Terms
WHMCS allows Free, One Time, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual payment cycles.
Automatic Invoice Generation
WHMCS will generate invoices automatically in advance of due payments a
preset number of days before their due date. Items due on the same
date, by the same client are automatically grouped together on the same
Invoice Reminders
WHMCS automatically sends an email to the client when the invoice is
first generated, a reminder before the due date if the invoice is still
unpaid, and a final reminder once the invoice becomes overdue.
Easy Invoice Generation
Create invoices for clients with just a few clicks. Enter the items
descriptions, enter their prices and send the invoice to the customer.
It's as simple as that.
Late Fees
WHMCS offers the option to automatically add a late fee to invoices when they become overdue.
PDF Invoices
Send professional looking PDF invoices to your clients which can be
printed for their records. The invoices can contain your logo and a
paid, unpaid or cancelled stamp. They can also be downloaded from the
client area at any time.
Inclusive & Exclusive Tax Support
WHMCS supports both inclusive and exlusive tax. Full support for EU VAT and localized tax.
Prorata Billing
Charge all your customers on the same day with prorata billing support.
You choose the day of the month you want clients to pay and WHMCS
proratas their first payment to that date. You also have the option to
charge the next month aswell if the value for the first payment is too
Automatic Transaction Recording
Every time an invoice is paid, WHMCS records the transactions details
in the transaction log. Transactions can be viewed and new transactions
added at any time. Based on the transactions log of payments in and
payments out WHMCS provides a balance.
Client Credit
With WHMCS you can specify a credit amount for a client which is
automatically applied to any invoices generated. If the credit fully
pays an invoice when the client places their order, the invoice is
automatically marked paid.
Flexible Promotions System
With the coupons system, you can offer one time or recurring discounts
on hosting accounts, addons or domains. Coupons can apply to only
selected products, have a maximum number of uses and expiry date
** Products & Services Features **
Supports all types of products (not just hosting)
WHMCS allows you to offer hosting and reseller accounts, as well as
servers and any other products. WHMCS fully supports non hosting
products allowing one time payments and no domains with products. A
custom welcome email can be specified for each product.
Automatic Shared & Reseller Account Creation
WHMCS will select the server to install the account on based on your
settings, automatically create the account on the server, send the user
a welcome email and save the details for your reference. There are
three auto creation options - instantly on order, after first payment
or when an admin accepts the order.
Automatic Suspension, Unsuspension & Termination
Accounts will be suspended on non-payment, unsuspended on payment, and
terminated once they become a set number of days overdue on the remote
Automatic Account Password Modification
An admin can modify the password of an account directly from within the WHMCS Admin Area
Automatic Account Upgrades/Downgrades
Automatically change the package an account uses
Configurable Options
WHMCS allows you to specify configurable options for products that
depending on the option selected will alter the price accordingly. This
is especially useful for offering configurable dedicated servers and
custom package building.
Free domain with product option
Offer a free domain with your products. You can specify the billing
cycles and TLDs that qualify for the free domain.
Stock Limits
Specify the number of an item you have in stock - useful for dedicated
servers - once all the available stock has been ordered, no furthur
orders will be allowed until more of that item is in stock
** Domain Features **
Full Support for Registration & Transfer of Domains
WHMCS allows your customers to request domain registration or
transfers. With transfers, WHMCS asks for the required EEP code.
Automatic Domain Registration
WHMCS will allow you to automatically register or transfer domains with the selected registrar of your choice.
Automated Domain Management
With any domains registered using a supported registrar, admins and
customers can edit the whois contact information, modify the
nameservers the domain is set to and change the locking status.
Manual Registration Supported
You aren't forced to use one of the supported registrars. You can
manually register any domains you want to once they have been ordered.
Over 300 TLDs Supported
WHMCS supports whois lookups of over 300 TLDs by default and you can add your own to expand the system.
Domain Renewal Warnings
Domains that are coming close to the expiry date are shown on the admin
homepage. If the client pays, you must confirm that you want the
renewal to take place. Once confirmed, WHMCS will automatically renew
the domain with the selected registrar.
** Clients **
No Limits
Manage an unlimited number of clients. Each client can have as many
hosting accounts, addons and domains in their account as they want.
WHMCS has no limits on your usage.
Unlimited Custom Fields
WHMCS allows you to setup an unlimited number of custom fields - either
text boxes, dropdown menus or tick boxes - to allow you to collect any
additional data from your clients that you want, such as specific
details about extras for hosting accounts, or asking your customers how
they found your site, etc...
Email History Logs
For each client, you can view an entire history of the emails that has
been sent to them. This allows you to check what has been sent and use
them for reference later.
** Support System Features **
Support Ticketing System
Allow your clients and potential customers to contact you with a
support ticket. Create an unlimited number of departments and assign
your administrators to the departments you want.
Mail Piping
WHMCS supports email piping with email forwarders and pop3 importing.
This allows emails sent to selected addresses to automatically open
support tickets for easy tracking.
Integrated knowledgebase supprting unlimited categories, multiple
levels of categories and articles. User rating system to vote if
articles are useful or not and number of views count stored.
Make announcements to your customers that are displayed on your site.
An RSS Feed of announcements is also available.
Server Status
WHMCS has a server status page that shows your servers, the status of
selected ports, the server load and uptime. It allows your clients to
quickly and easily see if the server they are on is online or offline.
** Affiliate System Features **
One Time or Recurring Payouts
Specify whether your products give a one time or recurring payout to affiliates for referral signups
Percentage or Monetary Payouts
Specify a percentage or monetary value of a payout for the referral
Full History of Affiliate Earnings
Easily see a breakdown of all earnings of an affiliate, their current
balance and the total amount they have withdrawn
Minimum Withdrawal Limit
Set a minimum withdrawal limit and your affiliates can only request
withdrawals of their earnings once the reach this limit
Custom Payout Overides
Set a custom percentage or monetary value payout on a per affiliate
basis so reward your good affiliates with higher payouts for referrals
** Other Features **
Fraud Detection Services
WHMCS supports a number of fraud detection services. These are run
during the order process and halt orders that are a high fraud risk to
prevent you receiving unnecessary chargebacks.
Any Currency
WHMCS will work in any currency you choose.
Account Merging
WHMCS allows you to easily transfer hosting accounts and domains
between client accounts to merge multiple client accounts or allow for
transfers of services
Customisable through Templates
The entire client front end of the system is customisable using the
templates. Every page has a template which can be fully customised and
WHMCS comes with a number of useful reports which forecast earnings and
product statistical data reports. The modular report system also allows
you to create your own reports to give you the information you need.
Support, Sales & Admin User Accounts
WHMCS allows you to create an unlimited number admin user accounts.
Each account can have one of three access levels - support, sales or
full administrator.
Easy Install Wizard
WHMCS comes with an easy to use 5 step installation process that will
guide you through the entire process for setting up WHMCS on your
Easy Cleanup & Backups
Perform a backup via a single click from with the WHMCS Admin Area.
Also clear out log tables to reduce disk usage with a single click.